Susan Hiller's exhibition (Tate Britain)- from this exhibition i gained a deeper understanding of space and concept within an exhibiotn setting. i also learnt to appreciate film and video much more than before. i was inspired to create my own films and this is what led to my final piece. this exhibition i think was the most useful out of all the research i did for my FMP because i also got inspired by her J Street project which trigeered the intiial idea for studying the holocaust as my final project.
Never the Same River - Simon Starling - From this i learnt to appreciate the boundaries of time an elemtns of time. I also experienced artist such as Mike Nelson who use found objects and installation, also lements of identity in his work which led me to question concepts and themes that run throughout my project such as change in place, and associations of place.
Everything is Illuminated This Film allowed me to relate to the personal side of my project as mentioned in my Porject Porposal. I wanted to explore the micro scale of the vicimts and get to know them, feel more connected and this helped me to understand individuals as identities rather thasn victims as numbers.
Saatchi Gallery
Not In Fashion - Mark Borthwick
Studio - Paolo Roversi
National Geographic
Oh Comely
G-d said, be happy
Martin Gilbert - Auschwitz and the Allies